Bosniaks, Serbs and deputies of other ethnic groups attending the session of the House of Peoples supported the law that was previously adopted by the House of Representatives, with Croat deputies voting against.
Croat deputies previously insisted that the law did not guarantee equal representation of the Croatian language and culture in the entity television's programmes and demanded a separate TV channel in the Croatian language.
A similar problem cropped up at the state level during the adoption of a law on the public broadcasting system which was also challenged by Croat deputies because it did not envisage a Croatian-language channel.
The entity Constitutional Court is now expected to decide if the law jeopardises the vital interests of the Croat people.
The European Union insists on new laws on broadcasting networks at the state and entity levels as a precondition for the conclusion of a Stabilisation and Association Agreement.
The requests of Croat deputies were rejected as unfounded.