31. listopada 1996.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 835 Med merino 21m 636
Fine merino 20m 717 Med merino 22m 589
Broad merino 23m 519 Comeback 25m 473n
Broad merino 24m 494n Comeback 26m 464n
Fine Xbred 27m 465n Med Xbred 29m 450n
Fine Xbred 28m 460n Med Xbred 30m 450n
Med Xbred 31m 449n Merino cardings 421n
Xbred cardings 383n Eastern mkt ind 576
RTRS-Australian wool indicator rises 1c to 576c/kg
SYDNEY, Oct 31 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market eastern
indicator rose by 1.0 cent to 576 cents a kg clean at sales in
Sydney on Thursday, Wool International (WI) said.
Merino fleece prices continued mixed, with the 19 micron
indicator up to 1.0 percent dearer and 20/21/22m slightly
The 23/24m categories were unchanged, while 25m was 1.0
percent cheaper and 26m 0.5 percent cheaper, WI said.
In merino skirtings, 21m and finer were up to 1.0 percent
In crossbreds, 27/28m were unchanged, 29/30m 2.0 percent
cheaper and 31m 1.5 percent cheaper.
In cardings, crutchings and locks were generally unchanged.
WI said Japanese interests were principal buyers with good
support from most of the trade.
Of 7,617 bales offered, 6.5 percent were passed in.
Sales continue next week in Newcastle, Melbourne and
Fremantle with about 91,665 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 31. listopada 1996.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 510 58s SUPER 370
66s SUPER 456 58s BLENDED 347
64s SUPER 408 56s SUPER 353
64s BLENDED 402 54s CARDED 337
60s SUPER 380 50s CARDED 327
60s BLENDED 360 58s ENGLISH 280
56s ENGLISH 270
50s ENGLISH 265
UK wool sale sees good competition, clearance
BRADFORD, Oct 31 (Reuter) - Intense competition for UK wool
produced a clearance rate of over ninety percent for the seventh
Bradford sale of the season and lifted the price indicator one
point to 106 pence per kg, sources said.
Casts led the way with increases of up to 7.5 percent while
Crosses, Radnors, Picks and Supers were all up by around 2.5
Halfbreds saw price increases of up to five percent.
Carpet wools provided the only blemish as Swaledale prices
fell 2-1/2 percent to around 93 pence per kg, while Welshes were
fully firm.
The 2.7 million kg total offering included over a million kg
forward wools which achieved a 99 percent clearance.
011648 MET nov 96
Tajvanski proizvođač čipova najavljuje 100 mlrd dolara ulaganja u SAD-u
London ostaje "usredotočen" na postizanje mira u Ukrajini
Poslušao "stručnjaka za kriptovalute" pa prevaren za sto tisuća eura
SKV: Svijet u 12,30 sati
SKV: Sport u 12.30 sati
Mlinarić: Ne pada nam na pamet srušiti vlastitu vladu
Ukrajina odlučna nastaviti suradnju s Washingtonom - premijer
Stranka Bandić Milan 365 u stečaju s imovinom od 5960 eura
Ukrajinci ogorčeni, smatraju da obustava američke pomoći ide na ruku Rusiji
Dimne bombe, tučnjava i kaos u srpskom parlamentu