02. listopada 1997.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 1083 Med merino 21m 805
Fine merino 20m 913 Med merino 22m 703
Broad merino 23m 600 Comeback 25m 563
Broad merino 24m 578 Comeback 26m 553n
Fine Xbred 27m 542n Med Xbred 29m 527n
Fine Xbred 28m 534n Med Xbred 30m 490n
Med Xbred 31m 486n Merino cardings 471
Xbred cardings 410n Eastern mkt ind 699
Australian wool indicator falls six cts to 699c/kg
MELBOURNE, Oct 2 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market
eastern indicator fell six cents to 699 cents a kg clean on
Thursday at sales in Sydney and Melbourne, Wool International
Merino fleece was cheaper, with 19/25/26 microns 0.5 percent
down, 20/24m slightly down, 21m one percent down and 22/23m 1.5
percent down, with merino skirtings of 19/20m 1.5 percent down.
In crossbreds, 27/28/31m were 0.5 percent cheaper, and
29/30m up to 1.5 percent cheaper.
In cardings, locks were one percent dearer and crutchings
WI said Western Europe and Japanese interests were principal
buyers, with support from most sectors of the trade.
Of the 29,615 bales offered, 19.1 percent were passed in.
Sales continue next week in Sydney, Adelaide and Fremantle
with about 97,775 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 06. listopada 1997.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 543 58s SUPER 379
66s SUPER 496 58s BLENDED 357
64s SUPER 428 56s SUPER 355
64s BLENDED 426 54s CARDED 332
60s SUPER 400 50s CARDED 313
60s BLENDED 382 58s ENGLISH 271
56s ENGLISH 262
50s ENGLISH 256
Bradford wool market hesitant
LONDON, Oct 6 (Reuter) - There was a definite "wait and see"
approach to the market in Bradford ahead of tomorrow's wool
sales in Australia, brokers said.
Last week the Australian market influenced a sharply lower
move in some prices.
In the UK and Europe, particularly Italy, combing activity
continued at full capacity with exisiting orders, but there was
some uncertainty as to when new business orders will come to the
Brokers said that there is concern that clothing's share of
UK consumer spending may start to shrink as the economy cools
under the impact of high interest and exchantge rates.
But pipeline refilling in Europe should help underpin
business this season and this could underpin prices amid some
sharp fluctuations from time to time.
071044 MET oct 97
Njemačka, Crna Gora i Švedska na EuroBasketu, ostalo još samo jedno mjesto
Plenković čestitao Merzu i Soederu na izbornoj pobjedi
Serie A - "Petica" Atalante
Papino stanje i dalje kritično - Vatikan
Engleska: Trijumf Liverpoola na Etihadu, prvak na 20 bodova zaostatka
Uvjerljiva pobjeda Bayerna
Njemačka: Merz najavio brzo sastavljanje vlade
Bez golova u susretu Slaven Belupa i Istre 1961
Francuska: Nica - Montpellier 2-0
Let American Airlinesa nakon prijetnje bombom preusmjeren u Rim