SISAK, Nov 30 (Hina) - According to data gathered by the branch office
of the Association of families of missing Croatian soldiers and POWs,
the fate of 708 Croatian defenders from Petrinja, Glina, Hrvatska
Kostajnica, Vidusevac and other towns in Serb-occupied Bania region
(stretching from south of Sisak to the Bosnian border) has been unknown
for two years now.
This problem was discussed at a meeting of the Association's
representatives from Sisak and Zagreb with Sisak County officials on
Tuesday. The meeting said that UNPROFOR, EC and ICRC representatives had
done very little in finding and releasing Croatian prisoners held in
Serbian camps. For that reason the Association will continue staging
peace protests in front of the UNPROFOR headquarters and the
International Red Cross office in Zagreb.
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