ZAGREB, Nov 1 (Hina) - According to the reports by the delegates
of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), civilians
in Vares area (Central Bosnia) are submitted to "systematic
harassment and exactions; during the last days already thousands
of civilians have been forced to flee from their homes", stated
ICRC in Zagreb on Sunday.
"The ICRC delegates are once more witnessing blatant violations
of the basic principles of International Humanitarian Law", said
the report.
The report further read: "The situation in Vares appears
chaotic. Civilians are fleeing looting, death threats and
mistreatment and are desperately searching for protection. ICRC
delegates on the spot have noted repeated allegations of
civilians and prisoners being summarily executed during and after
the fighting.
On the 28 October ICRC delegates could start registering 225
detainees in two different detention places in Vares, but despite
various interventions, the ICRC does still not have access to all
the alleged detainees.
Highly preoccupied by the fate of the civilian population in the
Vares area, the ICRC appeals to the leaders of the Bosnian Croat
authorities and of the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina to put an
immediate end to the current devastating situation. The ICRC
urges both authorities to ensure that each combatant respect the
civilian population, the wounded and the detainees. Furthermore,
the ICRC asks for unrestricted access to all persons protected by
the International Humanitarian Law," said the ICRC report.
(end) jt
011158 MET nov 93
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