MOSTAR, Nov 23 (HABENA/Hina) - The most senior military and
police officials of the Croatian republic of Herzeg-Bosnia and
the representatives of the justice department and the Office for
the Exchange of Prisoners met today in Mostar, the statement from
the Herzeg-Bosnian Information Office says, according to HABENA.
A working group for investigation of the situation in "the
punishment and correction institutions, prison and other centers
for placement of the arrested persons" HABENA said adding that
"the measures for adjusting the situation in those institutions
to the international conventions and regulations of the Croatian
Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia."
Also concluded was that all persons who have not been proved to
have committed crimes, i.e. to have cooperated or belonged with
the enemy forces."
"A viewpoint was taken to undertake investigation procedure
against all members of the army and the police who are under
justifiable suspicion of violating international conventions and
Herzeg-Bosnian regulations in their treatment of the prisoners.
The prison conditions were also suggested for improvement,
according to the above source.
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