GENEVA, Nov 18 (Hina) - The chairwoman of the Humanitarian Issues
Working Group of the International Conference on Former Yugoslavia,
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mrs Sadako Ogata, met
in Geneva on Thursday with Bosnian Prime Minister Haris Silajdzic
and the Bosnian Croat and Serb leaders, Mate Boban and Radovan
Karadzic respectively. The meeting was attended by president of the
International Committee of the Red Cross Cornelio Sommaruga, said
UNHCR in a statement from Geneva.
UNHCR stressed that no agreement had been reached on the opening
of Tuzla Airport, which was supported by Mr Silajdzic. It was
agreed that this matter would be decided upon within the UN.
Following is the text of the Joint Declaration that was signed at
today's meeting:
"Recognizing that a humanitarian catastrophe in Bosnia and
Herzegovina cannot be averted this winter without peace, and
conscious of the disaster already upon the civilian population with
the onset of winter, the undersigned have today given, in the
Humanitarian Issues Working Group of the International Conference
on Former Yugoslavia, under the chairmanship of Mrs Sadako Ogata,
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, a joint and solemn
commitment to:
1. Ensure the delivery of humanitarian assistance by suspending
hostilities and allowing free and unconditioned access by the most
effective land routes, as well as the repairs essential for the use
of these routes;
2. Ensure complete and secure freedom of movement for all
personnel of the UN and international humanitarian organizations;
3. Allow UNHCR and ICRC to determine, without any conditionality
or linkages, the content of humanitarian assistance, including
priority winterization needs and all materials, supplies, gas and
other fuel necessary for the survival of the civilian population,
excluding, of course, materials of war, and to monitor that this
assistance is not misused for military purposes;
4. Ensure that all humanitarian assistance reaches its intended
civilian beneficiaries and is not diverted to the military or
5. Release, in accordance with the principles of and arrangements
made by the ICRC, all civilians unlawfully detained;
6. Ensure that the military and civilian administrations at all
levels honour the above commitments and all others previously
entered into with regard to the respect for freedom of movement and
other human rights, the Geneva Conventions and other applicable
international humanitarian law and humanitarian principles."
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