OSIJEK, Nov 10 (Hina) - Commander of the Croatian Army for Slavonia Djuro
Decak and Commander of the so-called Serb army from the occupied area of
Slavonija and Baranja Colonel Stanojevic held Wednesday a meeting at the
UNPROFOR check-point near Osijek under the chairmanship of UNPROFOR
Commander for Sector East Gen. Pierre Peeters.
A Memorandum on forming the mutual commissions in Sector East was signed
at the meeting, Gen. Decak told a press conference on Wednesday evening.
Members of the Commission for UNPA East will be Gen. Peeters, four
UNPROFOR representatives, three Croatian and three Serb representatives.
The two local commissions will be represented by three UNPROFOR, Croatian
and Serb representatives each, said Gen. Decak adding that its task is the
implementation of the agreement.
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