BJELOVAR, Nov 9 (Hina) - The Commander of the Croatian Army Operative Zone
in Osijek, Major General Djuro Decak, and the UNPROFOR Commander in Sector
West, General Shabshu, met in Daruvar on Tuesday to discuss the efficiency
of the UN Protection Force in implementing UN Resolution 871.
Major General Djuro Decak requested that the UN peace-keepers deployed in
Sector West should be concentrated along the line of disengagement,
controlled before their deployment by the Croatian Army. He stressed that
such deployment would contribute to the safety of the population and
prevent the use of small arms and the insertion of terrorist groups from
the occupied territory.
The Croatian side offered to meet with commanders of Serb paramilitary
forces. General Shabshu said he would try to reach agreement on it with the
other side.
092226 MET nov 93
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