SARAJEVO, Dec 16 (Hina) - The Sarajevo airport is to reopen
tomorrow for UN flights.
UNPROFOR Sarajevo headquarters chief commander General
Brinkman and Bosnian Serb General Tolimir yesterday agreed to
reopening the Sarajevo airport, UNPROFOR officials said today.
UN airplanes carrying peace keepers should be able to land on
the Sarajevo airport from tomorrow. UNPROFOR today announced two
flights with UN soldiers for Saturday.
UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) spokesman Kris
Janowski today said that a meeting was convened on Monday of a
working group of the countries whose airplanes take part in
humanitarian aid delivery. The working group is to discuss security
conditions and the possible resumption of humanitarian air-lift.
"The air-lift could be established as early as the end of next
week," Janowski said.
He also said that the airport should be reopened for the
medevac of gravely wounded and ill from Sarajevo. Janowski recalled
that one seriously wounded person had died several days ago because
he could not get adequate medical treatment in Sarajevo, while the
other woman was now in critical condition.
Military UN spokesman Jan-Dirk von Merveldt declined to say
what would be undertaken as regards Serb rockets installed around
the Sarajevo airport.
"We will maintain only the flights for which we could get
guarantees," Merveldt said.
(Hina) mar rv mms
161439 MET dec 94
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