SARAJEVO, Dec 8 (Hina) - Bosnian Serbs said today they would agree
to the reopening of Sarajevo airport only if their conditions on
future NATO actions in Bosnia-Herzegovina were met, UNHCR spokesman
Chris Janowski said today.
He did not specify what the conditions were but described them
as "unacceptable."
"The airlift to Sarajevo is a humanitarian one and has nothing
to do with military operations on the ground. It must be urgently
resumed to keep Sarajevo alive," Janowski said.
Up to 80 percent of food was delivered to Sarajevo by air.
"Road convoys cannot efficiently substitute the airlift,
because of frequent roadblocks," Janowski pointed out.
Given the attitude of Bosnian Serbs, the airlift isn't likely
to resume in the near future, Janowski ventured.
(hina) jn as sd
081448 MET dec 94
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