SARAJEVO, Dec 1 (Hina) - After having blocked a British UN military
convoy in eastern Bosnia for three days Serbs yesterday let the
convoy continue its trip. It arrived in Kiseljak (central Bosnia)
last night.
But, Bosnian Serbs detained another three convoys in eastern
Bosnian towns of Rogatica and Zvornik.
The three convoys were accompanied by 20 British and 103 Dutch
soldiers, all being held in the Serb capture, a spokesman for the
UN Protection Force (UNPROFOR), Colonel Jan-Dirk von Merveldt,
today said at a press conference in Sarajevo.
Serbs are still holding 55 Canadian UN troops captive, and 237
UNPROFOR troops are blocked in UN-controlled weapons collections
sites around Sarajevo.
Serbs had abused and beaten up four British soldiers at a
check-point at the Sarajevo-Gorazde road ten days ago, the UNPROFOR
spokesman said today.
Spokesman Jan-Dirk von Merveldt confirmed that the Serbs had
held up a UNPROFOR vehicle requesting to check thoroughly the
luggage. They tried to examine also personal bags of the British
crew, among whom there were two women. The British opposed to such
a move, and that's why they were beaten up by the Serbs.
Spokesman von Merveldt declined to give a detailed report on
the incident. He only replied positively to a journalist's question
based on a magazine's article about it.
Asked why no information on this event had been published by
UNPROFOR so far, Colonel von Merveldt said they lacked the "valid
Sarajevo Airport is still closed, the UNPROFOR representatives
said today.
We have not got necessary guarantees from the Serb side for
the security of flights. Therefore, the airport remains to be
closed," UN Spokesman Thant Myint-U told journalists.
The UNPROFOR military spokesman pointed out that the situation
was burdened by Serb forces' setting anti-aircraft systems around
the airport.
Colonel von Merveldt added that he did not know exactly where
the anti-aircraft missiles were placed, whether their emplacements
were inside the UN-declared Sarajevo safe area. The UNPROFOR
spokesmen claimed that NATO must have information on this.
Spokesman Myint-U said the latest conduct of Serbs toward UN
peace keepers should be an issue of discussion at UN Security
Council. The UN SC should assess conditions under which the UN
'blue helmets' could continue their mandate if the Serbs remained
persistent in refusing adamantly any cooperation with UNPROFOR.
(hina) mms ks
011715 MET dec 94
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