ZAGREB, Dec 7, (Hina) - "After rejecting a proposal to include the
agreement with rebel Serbs on the agenda, parliament members
started pounding their fists on benches, Seks called a recess,
from the gallery Vukovar mothers began yelling out their demands
and parliament security guards attempted to stop journalists
talking to the mothers," is a quote from a report in today's
VJESNIK on the continuation of the 21st session of Parliament's
House of Representatives.
VJESNIK also reports on an UNPROFOR Sector West conference
under the headline 'The Zagreb-Lipovac Highway Opens Thursday?'.
The paper also includes an article on talks between Croatian
Foreign Minister and co-chairman of the International Conference on
the Former Yugoslavia, Thorvald Stoltenberg. Granic was present as
an observer at a session of the contact group of the Organisation
Islamic Conference for Bosnia-Herzegovina in Geneva.
"Russians Water Down Final Document" and "Aggression on Bihac
Not Included (in the document)" are the headlines of articles
covering the end of the CSCE session in Budapest.
VJESNIK includes a report on the UN Economic Commission for
Europe headlined "Investors Return to the East".
"The Russians Are Against Anything that Might Impede Serbs",
is the bold front-page headline in today's issue of VECERNJI LIST
which covers the CSCE Summit final sessions.
"A Croatian Constant and Serb Scarecrows", is the headline of
a comment piece in VECERNJI LIST. "The Scarecrow known as Greater
Serbia, dominates European and World politics. But do those who
speak of "the scarecrow" as the final project, think that
Croatians, Moslems and the world in which Milosevic who is long-
known as the butcher of the Balkans, would do nothing to change the
situation? the commentary asks.
"The Opposition Calls for a Debate on the Agreement with
Serbs", is the headline of a report on Parliament's House Of
Representatives session.
The paper also includes an interview with Croatia's
Agriculture Minister Ivan Tarnaj on strategies to develop the
country's agriculture industry.
(Hina) jn sd mms
071257 MET dec 94
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