SARAJEVO, April 13 (Hina) - UN special envoy Yasushi Akashi is to
arrive in Bosnia-Herzegovina on April 19 or 20, the UN in Sarajevo
said today.
UN spokesman Gary Coward said that Akashi would try to win an
extension of the ceasefire agreement in Bosnia, if such a thing was
at all possible under current circumstances.
Coward rejected accusations from a letter Bosnian Serb
military commander Ratko Mladic had forwarded to UN Force commander
in Bosnia Rupert Smith.
The UN established that Serb forces had attacked Sarajevo from
their positions on Spicasta Stijena two days ago, Coward said,
stressing that relations between the UN Protection Force and
Bosnian Serbs were at a very low level.
Mladic claimed in the letter that Serbs had not attacked
Sarajevo and blamed UNPROFOR for the escalation of the situation in
Sarajevo airport remained closed as Serbs refused to guarantee
safety to humanitarian aircraft. Serbs also denied passage to 18 UN
convoys, four of which were to have delivered fuel supplies to UN
(hina) mm vm
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