ZAGREB, Feb 7 (Hina) - The humanitarian situation in Bihac would be
on the brink of catastrophe if UNHCR could not deliver more food to
the west Bosnian enclave, Zagreb UNHCR spokeswoman Alemka Lisinski,
said today.
'The entire Bihac pocket in January received only around 300
tonnes of food but according to our estimates they should have
received 1,936 tonnes,' Lisinksi said.
Knin Serb authorities repeatedly refused UNHCR convoys
clearance and recently there had also been problems from rebel
forces loyal to Fikret Abdic demanding half the food aid, she said.
UNHCR estimates that 180,000 people were currently living in
the Bihac pocket, while some 30,000 lived in territory under
Abdic's control.
The worst situation was in the city of Bihac itself. UNHCR
spokeswoman in Geneva, Rona Redmond, said a hundred people had
protested Monday because their families had not eaten for several
Lisinski said that even the 2000 patients at the Bihac
hospital were only being fed one meal a day.
She concluded by announcing that on Thursday, UNHCR officials
would go to Knin to ask Serb authorities clearance for setting an
alternative supply route to Bihac through southwestern entries to
the enclave.
(hina) jn sd mms
071948 MET feb 95
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