LUCERNE, Feb 4 (Hina) - The leader of the Croatian Democratic Union
(HDZ) of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Dario Kordic, along with his
associates, paid a three-day visit to Switzerland at an invitation
by the Croatian World Congress' committee for reconstruction and
investment and the Croatian Democratic Union of Switzerland.
The delegation of Herzeg-Bosnia included the speaker of the
Herzeg-Bosnian parliament, Ivan Bender, the deputy head of the HDZ
of Bosnia and the manager of the HABENA news agency, Bozo Raic, and
a member of Bosnia's HDZ Presidency, Stjepo Pranjic.
On Saturday the delegation met Croatian businessmen and
members of the Committee for Reconstruction and Investment, led by
Zelimir Belamaric, at Hargiswill near Lucerne.
The Herzeg-Bosnian delegates informed Swiss Croats of the
political situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina and relations between
Croatian and Bosniac (Moslem) peoples. They told them also about
the country's potentials for development.
At the end of the talks focused on economic issues a panel
headlined "Croats in Herzeg-Bosnia) was held in this Swiss town.
Croatia's Ambassador in Switzerland, Zdenko Skrabalo, attended
the panel and emphasized an enormous importance of the unity
between all Croats in Bosnia-Herzegovina in these historic times.
The Herzeg-Bosnian delegates stressed the efforts to protect
the Croatian interest in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Speaking of the
problems in establishing the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Kordic said the authorities of Herzeg-Bosnia would not give up the
implementation of the Washington Accords.
In Buchs the Herzeg-Bosnian delegates Friday met members of
the HDZ and other Croats who lived for decades in eastern
(hina) mms
042135 MET feb 95
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