SARAJEVO, Feb 4 (Hina) - Heavy fighting broke out again yesterday
betwen Bosnian Government troops and forces loyal to Fikret Abdic,
aided by Knin Serb irregulars, in the Velika Kladusa area (western
Bosnia), the UN in Sarajevo said today.
UN military observers yesterday reported 401 explosions of
artillery and mortar shells and increased small-arms fire east and
south-east of Kladusa.
There were no indications that the frontline had been moved,
spokesman Coward told reporters.
Twenty-one explosions were counted in the Bihac suburbs of
Vedro Polje, Zegar and Sokolac.
UNPROFOR had no information as to the number of casualties.
According to foreign reporters, three to five wounded people
were daily admitted to the Bihac hospital.
Three cease-fire violations, blamed to Serb troops, were
reported in rest of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
(hina) mm as
041406 MET feb 95
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