ZAGREB, Feb 1 (Hina) - Representatives of the Association of
Displaced Persons, led by Mato Simic, today held talks in the
Croatian Parliament with Opposition representatives, headed by
Social Liberal party leader Drazen Budisa.
Displaced people informed Opposition deputies of their
problems and called for unity when passing legislation concerning
the living conditions and return of refugees.
Simic said displaced people's fundamental problems included
insecure accommodation, a low-quality diet, insufficient
humanitarian aid and unemployment.
He added that displaced people had been overlooked in the
privatization process.
Simic warned of their concerns about more refugee centres
being built because they did not want to live in ghettoes.
Displaced people's representatives said their fundamental
human rights were diminished.
They stressed there was a lack of motivation among the
displaced to return to their homes particularly as young people
were losing all hope of ever returning and were leaving for other
(hina) mm sd vm
011742 MET feb 95
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