ZAGREB, Jan 31 (Hina) - Families of missing and detained Croatian
defenders will have the right to receive shares worth 20,000 DEM.
The Croatian Parliament's House of Representatives made the
decision today after the deputies adopted amendments to the Law on
the Privatisation and Ownership Transformation of Firms.
The right to the same amount of shares has been already given
to families of killed Croatian defenders, and disabled ex-service
men wounded in the Homeland War who received amounts depending on
the severity of disablement.
The Government is due to propose acts in next 30 days on
regulating the rights of civilian victims of the Homeland War in
connection with the ownership transformation and privatisation of
The newly-appointed Privatisation Minister, Ivan Penic, said
that to date 27,000 families of killed Croatian defenders and
disabled ex-service men from the Homeland War had received shares.
(hina) mar sd mms
312024 MET jan 95
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