USORA, Jan 26 (Hina) - The Usora branch of the Croatian Democratic
Union party of Bosnia-Herzegovina (HDZ B-H) and the local Croatian
Defence Council (HVO) Command today wrote to Bosnian Federation
Vice-President Ejup Ganic about the "complicated" situation in
Usora, caused by Tesanj police.
"Threats and attacks on Croats and their property, perpetrated
by Moslem police, are escalating on a daily basis," the letter
The letter described yesterday's waylaying of Usora Mayor
Franjo Bratic and local HDZ leader Josip Kurevija by five Moslem
policemen from Tesanj. Kurevija was beaten up.
"This attack is only one of the 120 attacks on HVO members and
other Croats that have taken place in the past few months," the
letter said.
"It is regrettable that such things are now happening in an
area where Moslems and Croats have fought the Serb aggressors
together, and where there has not been a single conflict between
the Bosnian army and the HVO during the Moslem-Croat war elsewhere
in Bosnia," the letter said.
"It is high time for the (Moslem-led) Party of Democratic
Action and the Bosnian Government to take efficient steps to
prevent Moslem-Croat conflicts," the letter concluded.
(hina) mm as
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