SARAJEVO, Jan 26 (Hina) - Bosnia was quiet in the last 24 hours
except that 316 detonations were registered south and southeast of
Velika Kladusa, the Bihac pocket, UN sources in Sarajevo said on
No detailed report was issued on the situation in the Velika
Kladusa area, while UN military observers could just register a
total of the detonations, according to the same sources.
There were six detonations and sporadic small arms fire
exchange near the villages of Zegar, Vedro Polje, Klokot and
Sokolac inside the UN-declared safe haven.
In the whole of Bosnia UN military observers recorded five
'real' violations of the current cease-fire. The Serb side was
responsible for these incidents.
Serbs, situated south of Kladanj, fired three artillery
shells. They launched two shells east of Ribnica.
Regional commissions for monitoring the cease-fire Wednesday
held sessions in Tomislavgrad, Gorazde and Bihac, the UN sources in
Sarajevo said. The determination of confrontation lines was now
going on, so that the disengagement of the sides to conflict would
be carried out at the following stage in line with the cessation of
hostilities agreement in Bosnia.
(hina) mar mms
261323 MET jan 95
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