STRASBOURG, Nov 6 (Hina) - Croatia's admission to the Council of
Europe is the first step toward the European integration, Croatia's
Foreign Minister Mate Granic, said in Strasbourg on Wednesday.
Granic told a news conference that his country had solved a
major number of requests the Council of Europe had made before
letting Croatia enter the Council.
Mandate of the UNTAES (U.N. Transitional Administration in
eastern Slavonia) would end within six months under the formula
early spring - early summer, and then the UNTAES would hand over
authority to Croatia, the Croatian Foreign Minister said.
Speaking about the cooperation between The Hague war criminal
tribunal and Croatia he said his country had adopted a law on the
cooperation, General Tihomir Blaskic had gone to the tribunal of
his own free will, and 1,900 persons in Croatia were being under
investigation for different kinds of crimes in the wake of the
liberating operation "Storm" (summer 1995).
He added that Croatia was ready to cooperate completely with
The Hague Tribunal, so that the accused would be extradited to The
Asked about the affairs of Dario Kordic and Ivica Rajic,
(Bosnian Croats) accused by the International Tribunal of war
crimes, and who were allegedly in Croatia according to some
magazines, Granic said it was proved that the two were still in
Commenting on this morning's protest rally of 'Reporters
Without Frontiers' whose members had thrown, from the gallery,
leaflets with front pages of the Split-based weekly Feral Tribune
during the ceremony of Croatia's signing the European Convention on
human rights, Granic said "it is also a part of democracy."
(hina) mm mš
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