SARAJEVO, Sept 9 (Hina) - 1,300 refugee families returned to the
Sarajevan district of Stup, before the war mainly inhabited by
Croats, since the signing of the Dayton Agreement, but until today,
not even the basic conditions to speed up the return of the
remaining citizens had been achieved.
According to Stup rector Luka Kesedzic, almost 90 per cent of
the district was in part or completely destroyed during the
conflict, and even today, most of Stup was without electricity. Out
of the 12,000 Catholics in Stup before the war, only 5,000
"I don't want to involve myself with politics, but I have to
say it's logical to expect that, when people are incited to return,
help and houses should be provided for them. We haven't felt any
considerable help so far. People need jobs, they must send their
children to school somewhere and receive medical help", Kesedzic
The Stup elementary school was completely destroyed so that
pupils must travel kilometres to schools in Ilidza or the Catholic
School Centre in the heart of Sarajevo, Kesedzic said, adding that
theirs was the only school in the Bosnian Federation which had not
started with the new school year.
Only the Swedish-Swiss Caritas and the Catholic Relief Service
have so far showed big interest for the situation in Stup and
ensured means which should be sufficient for the mending of 60
houses. The realization of that programme has still not begun, but
it is already clear that the process will hardly be completed
before the winter.
(hina) ha jn
091355 MET sep 96
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