OSIJEK, Aug 20 (Hina) - The Osijek-based Association of Displaced
Persons said on Tuesday it had decided to delay the peaceful
return of Croatian refugees to the Serb-held town of Bilje.
The Association's president Tomo Povreslo told a news
conference after talks with UN transitional administrator Jacques
Klein that they agreed to hold a meeting with senior UNHCR
officials in the next few days to discuss concrete issues,
including a date of the return to villages in the still occupied
area that had not been damaged by war.
Croatian refugees would demand compliance with the
schedule of return to Petrovo Selo, Torjanci and Novi Bezdan,
Povreslo said, adding that unless the return began by the end of
September as promised, the Association would go ahead with its
plan of peaceful return.
Klein expressed hope that displaced persons would start
returning to their homes in the next two months.
After the completion of demilitarization, the opening of
the highway and the restoration of postal and telephone services,
I think that people realize that we are serious about what we are
doing, Klein said.
(hina) vm
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