TRAVNIK, August 13 (Hina) - The harassing of the remaining Croats
in Travnik, central Bosnia, continued, the Nova Bila-based Travnik
Municipal Authorities on Tuesday wrote in a letter to Bosnian
Federation President Kresimir Zubak and international factors in
According to the Vitez-based Travnik Police Department, on 9
August unknown perpetrators set fire to the house of a Croat
returnee, later accused by Travnik Bosniak police of starting the
fire himself.
Stipo Lovrinovic from the Croatian village of Djelilovac was
detained and harassed at the Turbet police station because he had
cut three square miles of wood for fire in his own forest.
Along the Uskoplje-Novi Travnik road there were constant
thefts. Bosniak-Muslim civilians stole large quantities of beer
from a truck of the Croatian "Dalmatinka" company from Sinj.
The Vitez-based Travnik PD considers these incidents
deliberate, perpetrated in order to discourage Croats from Travnik
to return to their town and take part in the Bosnian September
Out of 27,000 Croats who lived in Travnik before the war, only
2,000 remained.
(hina) ha
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