ZAGREB, 1 Sept (Hina) - The turnout at the elections for Bosnian
citizens in Croatia was 65,317 or 56% of all registered voters by 1
p.m. today, the head of the National Coordination Committee, Damir
Zoric said. The elections were proceeding as planned and there were
few irregularities.
One of the irregularities referred to the voters who had been
offered ballots intended for the Serb entity. At the polling
station in Dubrovnik, 963 refugees from Ravno and a smaller number
of residents of Kalesija were given wrong ballots. At the polling
place in Kastel, 55 wrong ballots had been distributed among 38
Bugojno residents, 12 Livno resident and five Tomislavgrad
residents. Similar irregularities had been noticed with the voters
from Stolac, Bosanski Samac and Doboj.
The National Coordination Committee had asked from the
Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe to repeat
elections for all voters who did not vote due to those
Elections were completed yesterday at the polling stations in
Korcula, Cres-Losinj, Rab, Obonjan and Vis.
(hina) rm
011644 MET sep 96
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