MOSTAR, Aug 30 (Hina) - Special envoy of the European Union in
Mostar Martin Garrod on Friday told reporters that "the situation
in the city, as regards evictions, is getting worse".
Garrod said he was acquainted with the facts and the names of
the criminals responsible for those horrible actions, adding that
it was only a matter of when, and not if, they would be imprisoned.
He invited the leaderships of Mostar and Bosnia-Herzegovina to
be resolute in stopping these and similar criminal events.
Garrod named several persons who had recently been evicted
from their homes in the western, Croat, part of Mostar, and
explained that there were cases when evictions had been performed
by armed men.
According to Garrod, some 50 persons had been evicted in
Mostar this year.
He challenged six well known figures from Western Mostar to
"say publicly they will do everything in their power in the fight
against criminals, the scum and gangs in Mostar".
Commenting on today's statements at a Mostar press conference,
Garrod told a Reuters correspondent in Zagreb that he was not
accusing the six of any crimes, but wanted to throw an
international spotlight on them to end "a climate of fear and
intimidation" in Mostar.
Garrod indicated that some perpetrators of continued evictions
on ethnic lines in Mostar were under investigation by the
International Tribunal on War Crimes in former Yugoslavia.
"Investigations by the tribunal are slow, but exceedingly
thorough and these people will end up behind bars", Garrod said for
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