MOSTAR, 22 Aug (Hina) - Special representative of the European
Union in Mostar, Martin Garrod, spoke at today's opening of the new
Mostar bus station in the eastern part of the city. Speaking for
the first time in Croatian, Garrod said that 'if we want to
normalize the life in the city, we have to remove the scum from
He added he meant 'thieves, gangs and criminals the citizens
of Mostar are afraid of'.
One of the main tasks in Mostar was to 'achieve a unified city
administration', according to Garrod.
Stressing that there was a lot to do in Mostar, Garrod added
he would work in future with the newly elected Mostar mayor and
deputy mayor Ivan Prskalo and Safet Orucevic respectively.
Deputy mayor Orucevic conveyed mayor Prskalo's regards, who
could not attend the celebration. 'I am convinced that mayor
Prskalo and I would open many similar facilities which would serve
the unified Mostar', Orucevic said.
'We have to reestablish mutual trust, let our wounds heal and
prevent revenge', said Orucevic.
The reconstruction of the bus station, financed by the
European Union, cost 385,000 German marks. The station's building
and equipment had been completely destroyed during the 1993 Croat-
Muslim war.
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