OSIJEK, May 13 (Hina) - The Human Rights Committee attached to the
Government Office for the establishment of Croatian authority in
the Croatian Danubian area has already held four meetings with
local Serb representatives, Committee chairman Drazen Matijevic
told an Osijek news conference on Monday.
The meetings focused on amnesty laws, ownership issues and the
education of the local population in human-rights issues, he said.
"The task of the Committee is to seek, in cooperation with the
Serb commission, for ways to communicate to the population that
human rights abuses will not be tolerated and that the Croatian
Constitution upholds the highest international human rights
standards," Matijevic said.
The Government Office was interested in organising human
rights courses in the Danubian area, the press conference heard.
The project would be elaborated by UNTAES.
The next meeting between the Croat and Serb Commissions is to
be held on May 17 in Beli Manastir.
(hina) as
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