OSIJEK, 3 March (Hina) - The first meeting of Croatian and Serb
delegations for refugee and displaced persons' issues was held on
Saturday at the UNTAES check point, between Nemetin and Sarvas, the
Governmental Provisional office for establishment of Croatian
authority in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium reported
on Sunday. The meeting was held based on agreement with UNHCR
regional offices of Osijek and Erdut and would take place twice a
The Croatian delegation was represented by Head of Office
Ivica Vrkic and numerous officials from the local Association of
Displaced Persons. Apart from UNTAES, ECMM, and local UNHCR
representatives, UNHCR Special Representative for former Yugoslavia
Soren Petersen also attended.
Both sides named persons for direct contact between the
meetings: Tomislav Povreslo, president of Association of displaced
persons of the Osijek-Baranja county for the Croatian side, and
Svetlana Nekic for the Serb side.
The next meeting is scheduled for March 12 in the still
occupied Erdut.
(hina) jt
031449 MET mar 96
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