OSIJEK, Feb 29 (Hina) - A Council of Europe delegation on
Thursday visited the eastern city of Osijek where they met
Croatian officials for talks on the process of peaceful
reintegration of the occupied Croatian areas and government
initiatives concerning the implementation of peace agreements.
Osijek County prefect Branimir Glavas said that Croatia
would meet all commitments and fully respect the rights of its
citizens of Serb nationality.
Glavas expressed confidence that the involvement of the
international community and Croatian cooperation with the UN
transitional administration would result in the peaceful
reintegration of the currently occupied areas of eastern Croatia.
Glavas and Ivica Vrkic, head of the government office for
restoration of Croatian authority in the occupied areas, stressed
Croatia's commitment to the process of peaceful reintegration,
expressing its willingness to fully cooperate with the
international community.
Pierre van der Linden of the Committee for Political Issues
said that the return of refugees and displaced people was one of
the key elements of the peace process. He was particularly
interested in ways in which the Croatian government intended to
step up the return.
Van der Linden said that Croatia should show that it was
willing to enable as many Serb refugees as possible to return to
their homes and thus create conditions for the return of
displaced Croats.
The Council of Europe delegation also included Gunnar
Jansson of the Committee for Legal Issues and Jan Kleijssen,
secretary of the Committee for Political Issues.
The delegation also met Osijek mayor Zlatko Kramaric. After
the closed-door talks, Van der Linden said that it was necessary
to implement the Erdut and Dayton peace agreements as soon as
possible, stressing the importance of confidence-building
measures and responsibility of the international community in the
peace process.
(hina) vm
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