SARAJEVO, Feb 29 (Hina) - The decision on whether a military action
would be undertaken to arrest persons suspected of having committed
war crimes depended on estimation by IFOR commanders on the ground.
In the case of Banja Luka, the commander of IFOR troops who
were there had estimated that Radovan Karadzic could not be
arrested, so that such an action had not been undertaken, IFOR
spokesman in Sarajevo Marc Rayner told a press conference,
commenting on the fact that the Bosnian Serb leader, suspected of
war crimes, had shown up in Banja Luka two days ago during a
meeting of the Bosnian Premier Hasan Muratovic, the Federation of
Bosnia-Herzegovina's Premier Izudin Kapetanovic and the Premier of
the Bosnian Serb entity, Dragan Kasagic.
The meeting was organised at the request of Carl Bildt. The
building, in which the meeting took place, was secured by the
British IFOR soldiers. A large number of soldiers had been engaged
only to protect Premiers Muratovic and Kapetanovic, officials in
Bildt's office said.
IFOR soldiers were not in the position to chase war criminals,
spokesman Rayner said.
The chief commander of the Implementation Force in Bosnia-
Herzegovina, Admiral Leighton Smith, yesterday said for Bosnian
television that it had not been possible to arrest Karadzic because
the risk of a conflict with his bodyguards had been too high. The
building in which the meeting took place was located in a densely-
populated city area and there was a danger of high number of
casualties, he added.
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291606 MET feb 96
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