ZAGREB, Feb 25 (Hina) - The second day of the Croatian Democratic
Union (HDZ) Central Committee First session continued on Sunday
with discussions on privatization, agriculture, reconstruction,
demographic renewal, legal system and human rights and freedoms.
Ivan Penic, head of the state privatization fund, said that
Croatian citizens and owners enjoyed numerous discounts while
purchasing stock bonds that were not at disposal to others in
eastern Europe. He stressed that the Croatian Privatization Fund
had so far made 634,500 contracts, majority of them (587,000) with
small share holders.
Another party official, Milan Kovac, recalled the assessment
of the economic situation in Croatia, recently issued by Swiss Bank
Union UBS (Union de Banque Suisse), saying that Croatia was likely
to have the most successful results in 1996.
Speaking of refurbishing of the legal system, Smiljko Sokol
said it needed to be simplified, first of all to be adjusted for
peace (post-war) circumstances.
Ljerka Mintas-Hodak said that, not counting some individual
irregularities, a general condition of the political, civic,
religious, social and other freedoms and minority rights in Croatia
was satisfactory.
(Hina) jn bk
251656 MET feb 96
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