ZAGREB, Feb 24 (Hina) - Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) secretary
general Ivan Valent and Central Committee member Ante Beljo on
Saturday addressed a meeting of the HDZ Central Committee on last
year's election results and relations between the HDZ and Croatian
Valent recalled that the HDZ had won an average 45.8 percent
of the vote in parliamentary elections in late October and 74.3
percent of the votes of Croats living outside Croatia.
Speaking of the elections for the 50-seat Zagreb City
Assembly, he said that the HDZ had won a relative majority of 36.5
percent or 17 seats.
He added that that was due to the war, increased economic and
social problems, and a lack of cooperation between the HDZ city
committee and the city administration and HDZ members of the City
Beljo spoke about Croatia's image in the world, saying that it
was the same as the one created by the former Yugoslavia. He also
blamed it on foreign news agencies which engaged "Yugonostalgic"
He said that communication between the people and the
government was blocked by bureaucracy and that this was
particularly evident in relations with the diaspora.
"But despite all that, Croat emigrants are returning to
Croatia for the first time," he stressed.
(hina) vm jn
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