SARAJEVO, Feb 18 (Hina) - Bosnian parties have withdrawn
most of their heavy weapons from zones of separation after
a warning from the NATO-led peace Implementation Force
(IFOR) on Saturday.
IFOR spokesman Marc Rayner told a press conference in
Sarajevo on Sunday that 21 pieces of heavy artillery,
mostly tanks and big guns, still remained in the separation
IFOR had reported more than 60 artillery pieces in
those areas on Saturday.
IFOR commander in chief US Admiral Leighton Smith has
ordered that all remaining guns and tanks be removed or
NATO troops will seize them or destroy them.
Rayner said that 13 heavy weapons remained in northern
Bosnia and eight in southeastern Bosnia while all weapons
had been pulled out of the separation zones in the western
part of the country.
NATO troops on Saturday intercepted and captured 15
Bosnian Serb soldiers who entered the zone of separation in
northern Bosnia. The Serbs were dispossessed of their
weapons and released later on.
(hina) vm
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