( Editorial: --> 6831 )
MARTHA'S VINEYARD/ZAGREB, Aug 29 (Hina) - Gregory L. Schulte has
been elected as special assistant to the US President and director
for the implementation of the Dayton peace agreements in Bosnia-
Schulte will replace Jock Covey, said Samuel R. Berger, advisor for
national security of the United States.
According to a White House statement of Thursday, over the last six
years Schulte was in office at NATO's headquarters in Brussels,
where he was in charge of supervising NATO operations on the
territory of the former Yugoslavia.
Schulte was head of a crisis committee and operations and head of a
working group for Bosnia in charge of supervising NATO's role in the
implementation of the Dayton agreements.
(hina) ha
291853 MET aug 98
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