( Editorial: --> 2366 )
SARAJEVO, Aug 7 (Hina) - NATO commander for Europe General Wesley
Clark on Friday held talks in Sarajevo with the Defence Minister of
the Croat-Muslim Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina Ante Jelavic.
Clark assessed the talks as very interesting and emphasised they
focused on security, the return of refugees and displaced persons,
Croatian members of the federal army, and the overall situation in
Bosnia in this pre-electoral period.
Jelavic told me he was fully committed to the return of refugees and
displaced persons to their homes, said General Clark.
He assured me he would de everything in his power not to include
members of the army in pre-electoral activities and that soldiers
would not be active in party policy, Clark added.
According to Jelavic, the talks emphasised that refugees and
displaced persons must return to Stolac, southern Bosnia, and
Drvar, western Bosnia, as well as to Bugojno, Travnik and other
parts of central Bosnia.
"There was also talk about the September election, especially about
the participation of federal army members, and in this respect I
advocated the depoliticisation of the army and the police", said
Jelavic, who is also the president of the Croatian Democratic Union
of BH (HDZ BH).
Not one professional soldier or policeman will appear on HDZ BH's
lists of candidates, he stressed.
"We agreed in concluding that the September election is a sort of
watershed in the democratisation of BH and in the creation of
stronger assumptions for the implementation of the civil part of
the (Dayton) peace agreement", Jelavic said.
(hina) ha
071548 MET aug 98
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