ZADAR, Dec 3 (Hina) - The head of the Zadar County branch of the Croatian Association of Former Inmates of Serb Concentration Camps told reporters on Tuesday the association would initiate the establishment of a centre for war crimes
research and a Homeland War museum in Vukovar and expected government assistance.
ZADAR, Dec 3 (Hina) - The head of the Zadar County branch of the
Croatian Association of Former Inmates of Serb Concentration Camps
told reporters on Tuesday the association would initiate the
establishment of a centre for war crimes research and a Homeland War
museum in Vukovar and expected government assistance. #L#
The Association has been preparing a new lawsuit for the financial
damage and mental anguish sustained, said Radoslav Bobanovic.
He reminded that the Association in September pressed charges with
the State Prosecutor's Office against 1,500 persons from Serbia,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia for crimes committed
against Croat inmates in Serb-run prisons and camps.
Bobanovic said that more than 8,000 Croats and other non-Serbs had
been imprisoned in Serb prisons and camps on the territory of the
former Yugoslavia.
"So far, we have collected data about more than 1,500 people who
committed crimes in the prisons and the camps but this number will
eventually be much higher," said Bobanovic.
(hina) rml sb