PRISTINA, Nov 24 (Hina) - A chain of criminals involved in the forgery of documents has so far damaged the Kosovo budget by almost 160 million euros, while almost 80,000 vehicles in the area are with forged papers, the newspaper "Koha
Ditore" said in a report on Sunday.
PRISTINA, Nov 24 (Hina) - A chain of criminals involved in the
forgery of documents has so far damaged the Kosovo budget by almost
160 million euros, while almost 80,000 vehicles in the area are with
forged papers, the newspaper "Koha Ditore" said in a report on
Sunday. #L#
"The cars in question are being registered in several ways. For
instance, one may say that they possessed the car before the
conflict and that Serbs had taken the documentation, or there are
possibilities for the forgery of papers necessary for the customs
papers," a source from an insurance company was quoted by the paper
as saying.
Tens of thousands of registered cars are driving on Kosovo roads,
but their owners have not paid tax and customs duties.
Organised groups of criminals managed to forge UNMIK (United
Nations Mission in Kosovo) seals and customs entries for the
registration of cars, according to the same source.
UNMIK officials have said they have some knowledge about this case,
but declined to comment on it any more, given that an investigation
in the scandal is under way.
The police announced they would set up a special unit to combat this
sort of crime.
(hina) ms