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ZAGREB, Sept 3 (Hina) - Management board representatives of Erste & Steiermaerkische Bank (ESB) and the World Bank's International Financial Corporation (IFC) on Tuesday signed an agreement whereby the IFC grants the ESB 20 million euros for mortgage housing loans.
ZAGREB, Sept 3 (Hina) - Management board representatives of Erste & Steiermaerkische Bank (ESB) and the World Bank's International Financial Corporation (IFC) on Tuesday signed an agreement whereby the IFC grants the ESB 20 million euros for mortgage housing loans. #L# The loan has been approved for a period of ten years, with a three- year grace and a "favourable, variable interest rate, dependent on the movement of the state's credit rating," said Tomislav Vuic, the ESB chairman of the board. The funds will be used solely for loans for housebuilding and the purchase or adaptation of housing facilities, with an interest rate ranging between 6.85 and 7.99 percent, depending on the term of payment and the amount of the deposit. Vuic said the ESB had stepped up the issuing of housing loans. In the first eight months of this year, 84.5 million kuna (EUR11.4 million) worth of such loans have been granted, twice the amount at the same time last year. The IFC director for South Europe and Central Asia, Khosrow Zamani, who signed today's agreement, said the IFC had thus far invested more than US$200 million in various Croatian projects. (hina) ha sb


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