ZAGREB, Aug 14 (Hina) - Firefigters are still struggling with fires that broke out on the island of Hvar and in Ucka where 20 percent of the fire-stricken area is still in flames, the State Information Centre reported on
ZAGREB, Aug 14 (Hina) - Firefigters are still struggling with fires
that broke out on the island of Hvar and in Ucka where 20 percent of
the fire-stricken area is still in flames, the State Information
Centre reported on Thursday. #L#
The fire that broke out Wednesday on the island of Hvar has so far
consumed 500 hectares of land. An abandoned house burned down. The
roof of another house was also caught on fire. Some 160 firefighters
with 23 vehicles, two canadair aircraft and two air tractors were
trying to put it out.
The fire in Ucka broke out on August 11 and in two days it consumed
about 2,000 hectares of land. About 20 percent of the fire-stricken
area is still in flames, while the rest has been put under control.
(hina) it