ZAGREB, July 3 (Hina) - The Croatian government on Thursday discussed the fulfilment of obligations from the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between Croatia and the European Communities and their member-states.
ZAGREB, July 3 (Hina) - The Croatian government on Thursday
discussed the fulfilment of obligations from the Stabilisation and
Association Agreement between Croatia and the European Communities
and their member-states. #L#
The fulfilment of obligations refers to bills adjusting Croatia's
legislation with that of the European Union.
The government also formulated a bill on the ratification of the
Agreement on Security between Croatia and NATO and forwarded it
into urgent parliamentary procedure for adoption.
The bill defines partnership relations regarding political and
security issues, as well as the expansion and intensifying of
political and military cooperation in Europe.
The government was notified about the Charter on the Partnership
between Croatia, Macedonia and the United States (the US-Adriatic
Charter), signed in Tirana in May this year.
(hina) rml sb