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ZAGREB, May 23 (Hina) - Croatian Maritime Affairs, Transportation and Communication Minister Roland Zuvanic and his Bosnian counterpart Branko Dokic met in Zagreb Friday at a first joint meeting to discuss an entire series of issues relating to the road network. The two officials agreed on matters concerning further cooperation. Bosnia's minister amongst else said his country was interested in the Adriatic-Ionian Highway if that road was to pass through Bosnia and not only through Croatia.
ZAGREB, May 23 (Hina) - Croatian Maritime Affairs, Transportation and Communication Minister Roland Zuvanic and his Bosnian counterpart Branko Dokic met in Zagreb Friday at a first joint meeting to discuss an entire series of issues relating to the road network. The two officials agreed on matters concerning further cooperation. Bosnia's minister amongst else said his country was interested in the Adriatic-Ionian Highway if that road was to pass through Bosnia and not only through Croatia. #L# (Hina) sp it sb


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