THE HAGUE/ZAGREB, May 21 (Hina) - A former Bosnian Serb army officer, Dragan Obrenovic, indicted for 1995 crimes in Srebrenica, on Wednesday pleaded guilty of persecution as a crime against humanity after plea bargaining with the U.N.
war crimes tribunal's (ICTY) prosecution. Accordingly, the prosecution will withdraw other counts from his indictment, including genocide.
THE HAGUE/ZAGREB, May 21 (Hina) - A former Bosnian Serb army
officer, Dragan Obrenovic, indicted for 1995 crimes in Srebrenica,
on Wednesday pleaded guilty of persecution as a crime against
humanity after plea bargaining with the U.N. war crimes tribunal's
(ICTY) prosecution. Accordingly, the prosecution will withdraw
other counts from his indictment, including genocide. #L#
The indictment, issued May 27, 2002, charges Obrenovic with
complicity to commit genocide and the violation of the law and
customs of war.
The former head of the Zvornik Brigade command will cooperate with
the prosecution in relation to the crimes in Srebrenica and testify
against indictees in the same case, as well as in other trials.
(hina) lml sb