Croatian citizens cry for the solution of problems of poverty, unemployment, better production, higher exports, and the establishment of social justice as well as for creation of preconditions for the demographic revival and the protection of the Croatian cultural and national identity...
Although the current government has so far made some efforts to solve those problems of vital importance, the results show that those efforts have been insufficient and not effective as much as they should have been. The public has an impression that much more energy was spent and attention paid to many different scandals, the editorial reads.
Miklenic also urges that 2005 should not be marked by scandals as this year was, and he believes that "many of those scandals were intentionally provoked only to procrastinate or prevent the solution of key problems".
He also expresses a wish that in 2005 Croatian politicians pay more attention to and care for the protection of Croatian ecological values, such as the unpolluted sea and drinking water.