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ZAGREB, Nov 19 (Hina) - Euro-Atlantic integration is not a goal forCroatia but a prerequisite for development, President Stjepan Mesicsaid on Friday opening the international conference "NATO AfterIstanbul - Security in Southeast
Europe". The EU's High Representative for the CommonForeign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, has said that a majorchallenge for the EU is the transfer of democracy, prosperity andsecurity across its borders, stressing that the EU cannot exist as anisland of prosperity and stability in the middle of a stormy sea. Croatian troops will serve abroad only as partof UN missions, President Stjepan Mesic said on Friday in response toquestions from the press about a memorandum on cooperation between theCroatian Armed Forces and the United States. Serbia and Montenegro Defence Minister PrvoslavDavinic said in Zagreb on Friday the military ship which patrolled theDanube yesterday, remembrance day for the war-time