Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu pregledati cijeli sadržaj.
NAGYKANIZSA, Nov 13 (Hina) - Presidents Ferenz Madl of Hungary andStjepan Mesic of Croatia on Saturday expressed satisfaction with theposition of the Croat minority in Hungary and the Hungarian minorityin Croatia at the Days of Croats
in Hungary, a cultural event held inNagykanisza near the Hungarian-Croatian border. The foreign ministers of the US-AdriaticCharter member-countries - Miomir Zuzul of Croatia, Ilinka Mitreva ofMacedonia and Kastriot Islami of Albania met on the northern Adriaticarchipelago of Brijuni on Saturday with the foreign ministers ofSerbia and Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina, Vuk Draskovic and MladenIvanic respectively, NATO director for Euro-Atlantic integrationYaroslav Skonieczki, and delegations of seven NATO member-countries. Muslims across the world are celebratingRamadan Bairam, a three-day holiday marking the end of Ramadan, themonth of fasting and prayer. Prime Minister Ivo Sanader has announced tha