The two ministers also talked about the ways of reducing heavy traffic on border crossings during the tourist season. Saying that heavy traffic cannot be avoided, Croatian Minister Kalmeta said that in cooperation with the finance and interior ministries, his ministry would try to increase the number of customs officers and policemen and accelerate the process of crossing the border.
ZAGREB, July 4 (Hina) - The Croatian and Slovene Transport Ministers,Bozidar Kalmeta and Janez Bozic, met in Otocac ob Krki on Monday todiscuss the building of a border crossing near Hotiz on the Murariver. The two ministers agreed
how disputes about permits for thetransportation of goods by road would be solved and exchangedinformation about the building of highways.
ZAGREB, July 4 (Hina) - The Croatian and Slovene Transport
Ministers, Bozidar Kalmeta and Janez Bozic, met in Otocac ob Krki on Monday to
discuss the building of a border crossing near Hotiz on the Mura river. The two
ministers agreed how disputes about permits for the transportation of goods by
road would be solved and exchanged information about the building of