During the occupation of the village of Dalj near Osijek from September 1992 until August 1995, the accused, identified as N.S. (born 1958), commanded a Serb paramilitary police unit in Dalj, while M.K. (1966) and R.K. (1950) were military policemen, the Osijek County Prosecutor's Office says on its Internet site.
The Serb paramilitaries set up a labour camp where about 80 civilians of Croatian and Hungarian ethnicity were forced to work in contravention of international humanitarian law and the international laws of war.
The three men are charged with physical and mental abuse and expulsion of the remaining non-Serb population. The indictment alleges that they severely tortured seven persons, one of whom died as a result of the injuries.
M.K. and R.K. are in custody while N.S. is out of reach of the Croatian authorities and a warrant for his arrest has been issued.