Latin said that he had declined to receive the award after he learnt that UNS head Nino Brajovic was a war-time reporter of Serbian Television and that at the time he was "a war monger" and had been spreading war propaganda.
Latin received such information from some journalists in Belgrade. They also portrayed Brajovic as a reporter whose reporting was in the service of concealing war crimes in Vukovar in 1991.
Brajovic dismissed the accusations saying that the UNS standard was not war propaganda. He said that all what he had done 15 years ago he had done in good conscience.
According to the blog site of Radio B92 which carried the first reactions to the award given to Latin, bloggers recalled that in 1991 Brajovic dubbed Croats as the Ustasha and spoke about the 'liberation' of Vukovar, while reporting from that eastern Croatian city.